
Posts Tagged ‘Legsworkout’

Got to the gym before 6am this morning.  My motivation has improved thanks to Fergie 🙂  Here is what I did:

Shin Splints are still a problem so I rode the stationary bike.  Went 35 minutes, had it set at interval, which means that it switched back and forth every minute from resistance of 6 to resistance of 10.  This did not burn as many calories as when I put it on Cross-country.  It burned 350 calories.

Butt, Legs and Thighs

Leg Abductor Machine pushing in   4 sets of 16 reps with 110 lbs

Leg Abductor machine pushing out 4 sets of 16 reps with 80 lbs

Weighted step-up using 24″ stool 3 sets of 10 reps on each leg with 10 lb weights, I tried to use 12lbs put it was too much for my left hip to handle.  I don’t like weighted step-ups, my left hip just isn’t good to workout like that.  It is very weak.

Weighted Hip Raise 4 sets of 20 reps with 25lb

Rear Lunge to Front Kick 3 sets of 10 reps each leg

Squat w/abduction and weights 3 sets, 2 sets with 12 reps and 10 lbs, last set my legs were so shaky that I could only do 8 reps.

I read through Oxygen’s new Collectors Issue out on the stands now that is all about your butt.  Loved the magazine.  I believe in a tight ass.  And this magazine is all about that!

Total calories burned 725.  Time 1 hr 19 minutes.


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